Clarke Clan: Welcome Cecily Eleanor Clarke


Cecily 4 days old

Ryan and I want to announce the birth of our Third daughter, Cecily Eleanor Clarke. Born in October, she weighed 7 lbs. 14.81 oz and 21 inches long. Almost the exact same as Rosalyn (who was 20 in). I was only measuring at 34 weeks on my last appointment; when Cecily was born, my midwife asked, ‘where were you hiding an almost 8 lb. baby!” I have skills.


Cecily 4 days old.


When it came to picking out a name for our third girl, we thought that procrastination was the best option. We would wait for inspiration to strike. Unfortunately it never hit me. So the task was left up to Ryan.

When choosing a name for our offspring, we use these criteria for a first name:
1. Not in the top ten most popular names but not weird either.
2. Not the name of a serial killer or well-known celebrity.
3. Significant meaning to the name.

A couple weeks before she was born, Ryan settled on Cecily Eleanor. Cecily hit 2 out of 3 of on our criteria list.

Cecily (SES-i-lee) is the English Medieval form of Cecilia (a Latin name). Back in the day, there was a Roman family named Caecilius. The name Cecilia (f) are derived from this Roman name. Cecilia probably would have never gained popularity if it wasn’t for St. Cecilia who was martyred during the 2nd or 3rd century for refusing to worship Roman gods (there is a lot of myth surrounding her story). Because of this, during the Middle Ages, Cecilia became a popular Christian name. The Normans brought the name to England where it was changed to Cecily. Unfortunately it retained its Latin meaning: Caecus or Blind (1).

Eleanor is an old English name used by a few queens down the ages. It means Shining Light.

Ryan really loves the name Cecily, but I wasn’t crazy about the meaning. So he thought it would work well to juxtapose Cecily with Eleanor. It reminded him of 1 Corinthians 13:12

“For now we see through a glass, darkly; but then face to face: now I know in part; but then shall I know even as also I am known” (KJV).

We want our little, Cecily Eleanor, to shine brightly in the midst of the darkness and confusion of life. We don’t always understand everything that happens here on earth, but someday we will understand and someday the Lord will make everything right.


Cecily and Mama 4 days old.


Cecily one month old.


Honora, Rosalyn, and Cecily one month old.