Book Review: Night Night Blessings by Amy Parker


In her book, Amy Parker followed the advise of the Apostle Paul when he said,

“In everything give thanks for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.”  1Thessalonians 5:18

This book is basically a little girl going throughout her day and mentioning ordinary stuff like breakfast, her family, pets, and even bath time. Yet, she is able to be thankful for each event, and at bed time she recognizes that they are all blessings from the Lord. Amy Parker not only incorporated an excellent theme, but the book is written in a simple poetic form making it actually easier for children to recall. Also, the illustrations are darling! Marijan Ramljak does a beautiful job of creating soft (almost impressionist) pictures with calming colors making this an excellent bed time story.

I have a little girl. She’s only 16 days old! I’ve already decided that this is a book I want her to grow up reading. Not just for the cute illustrations and fun poetry, but because the theme is life impacting. Thankfulness does not come natural to humans. It must be learned. Yet a thankful person will have a much happier life than a person who complains regularly.

Even though I got this book for free to review from Thomas Nelson Publishers through their Booksneeze program, these are my own opinions


Clarke Clan: New Addition of Honora Jane


Mommy and Baby a few minutes after the birth.  When I first saw her, I said, “Wow, I can’t believe that was inside of me!”



My mom switched her plane ticket as soon as the doctor thought she might be early. Good thing she did since Honora came 11 days early. She was able to be there and support me during my daughter’s birth.  



Rebekah Houser was able to be there for Honora’s birth.



Cameron came by later for a visit.



Papa, Mommy, and Baby all together!


We love her so much!


My wonderful and most amazing husband was with me throughout the whole labor and delivery. My desire was to have a totally natural birth, and with Ryan’s help, I was able to accomplish this. He was such a great coach, reminding me to focus, breath, and relax when the contractions got hard. (I love you, Dear.)



Three generations of oldest daughters!



Grandma Larson bought Honora an adorable going home outfit.



Going home!!



Her Papa is pretty proud of his new kid.



This is a rare picture with her eyes open. She sleeps CONSTANTLY.



This is her stubborn face. I have a feeling this facial expression isn’t going away. She looks like an old school marm at such a young age.



Grandma Clarke made it up for a visit.



Honora with both her grandmothers. They make her smile Smile.



Our little family! Ryan and I are so blessed.


We chose the name Honora Jane Clarke for our daughter.

Honora (pronounced Anora) means honorable woman. The more I thought about the name Honora, I was reminded of a woman from the Bible. She doesn’t have a name, but I think that the name Honora would have fit her very well. She is describe in Proverbs 31. When reading through the passage, verse 25 stuck out to me as a little blessing I would like to pass onto my daughter. 

Strength and honor are her clothing;
      She shall rejoice in time to come.

I pray that these attributes will one day characterize my little Honora.


Jane means God is gracious. I won’t lie; the last nine months have been hard, and it’s only gotten more difficult now that the baby is on the outside. Yet God has poured out his grace and given me the strength to be a good mom and wife. I want Honora to never forget that God is gracious even through the hardest of times.


Book Review: Gabby God’s Little Angel by Sheila Walsh



This is the story of little Gabby, a guardian angel in training. She’s a bit clumsy but that makes her the perfect candidate for her first assignment, a spunky girl named Sophie.

Personally, as a six-year-old, I would have gone nuts over this book. It contained everything I thought was necessary in good fiction: A pink, glittery cover; bright, adorable illustrations; and of course it also involved an energetic girl and (most important) a pony.

Now that I am a little older, my criteria for good fiction and writing is a little higher. I wouldn’t necessarily equate Sheila Walsh with Beatrix Potter or A.A. Milne, but the writing and message is well suited for a small child to follow and understand.

I’m not always a fan of these “guardian angel” books because guardian angels are not cute little girls in yellow dresses. Yet, Sheila Walsh does a good job at communicating to kids that God protects His children because He loves. The emphasis is left then on God and not His angels.

If you’re looking for a book on theology of guardian angels, this is not it. If you just want a cute book that explains in simple terms how much God loves us, this is a wonderful book.

Even though I got this book for free to review from Thomas Nelson Publishers through their Booksneeze program, these are my own opinions