Clarke Clan: 2015 Addition

May 2014, was the month of my last blog post for 2014; it was also the month that Honora swore off naps forever. I thought it was time for an update and some cute pictures…

Let me start out by saying, basically my girls are crazy.

I tried so hard to get some cute pictures of the cuties. But alas all I got where these (see below).

2015 is the year I am totally getting a real camera and learning how to use it. I promise myself.

Honora and Rosalyn wearing Big Sister Little Sister shirts

Honora and Rosalyn wearing Big Sister Little Sister shirts

Smiling so sweetly

Smiling so sweetly

Board of the picture taking!

Board of the picture taking!

Yes, they are adorable.

In these pictures below, Rosalyn INSITSED on wearing this stupid monkey hat. I tried every trick in the book to get it away from her, but she screamed and hollered until I gave it back.

Yeah, not really the look I was trying to capture.

Are we done with the pictures yet!

Are we done with the pictures yet!

I will now substitute the monkey hat face for my own.

I will now substitute the monkey hat face for my own.

Honora and Rosalyn wearing Big Sister shirts

Honora and Rosalyn wearing Big Sister shirts

Oh and both girls insisted on holding their stuffed animals. We can’t have a cute sister picture without about 1,000 stuffed animals. Thankfully, I talked them into one each.

Suffice it to say, Life with these little girlies is never dull and usually adorable.

That’s why God said, YOU NEED ANOTHER, so Ryan and I are adding another cute kid to the clan sometime around Oct. 1, 2015

3 thoughts on “Clarke Clan: 2015 Addition

  1. Whoa! Is Honora actually holding a stuffed horse?? 🙂 Congratulations on the new kid, you are doing a fabulous job, girl!

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